Halo Consumer Advocates SSM Nonprofit Self Supporting Nonprofit Las Vegas 508 c 1 a 5 Star Review

25 Sep 2021

SSM Self Supporting Ministry Self Supporting Nonprofit 501 c 3 508 c 1 a Charitable Las -Vegas 5 Star Review Gifting Hands Institute GET NONPROFIT STATUS PROTECT YOUR FAMILY Self-Supporting Nonprofit NEW CONTACT NUMBER 951-290-8214 htps haloconsumeradvocates org Halo Consumer Advocates SSM Las Vegas 5 Star Review NEW CONTACT NUMBER 951--290-8214 I was preparing to make a purchase but my credit was not in the best of shape I was referred to Halo Consumer Advocates SSM in Las Vegas by a friend The customer service was wonderful they told me exactly what to expect and they gave me more than I expected In a short time my scores began rising and I was able to purchase the vehicle I wanted I didn't live in Nevada so I was a little concerned about this at first however after a speaking with the client advocate my worries were put at ease Thank you Ms Jackson Self Supporting Ministry Non-Profit Charity 501 c 3 Credit Repair Bad Credit Real Estate Mortgage Finance 508 c 1 a Halo Consumer Advocates SSM Las Vegas NV

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