Self Supporting Nonprofit 501 c 3 Corporation Charitable Entity - Las Vegas - 5 Star Review

26 Sep 2021

"Self-Supporting Nonprofit" Halo Consumer Advocates, SSM| Charity| 501(c)3|508(c)1(a)| Las Vegas reviews|Self Supporting Nonprofit
Excellent Rating

I was looking for an alternative to a Non-profit due when I came across Halo Consumer Advocates, SSM. They help me understand how I could provide the services that I wanted, get the benefits I needed, and without all the hindrances imposed by a Non-profit. Here they told me about a "Self-Supported Ministry" (SSM). This was the best experience. I didn't know there was an alternative to having a Non-Profit. I am glad I found Halo, and encourage others to use this service.


Halo Consumer Advocates, SSM
Las Vegas

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